Healing & Transformation
Through the Wisdom of the Body

Soma = Body

Somatic Work is a way to collaborate intelligently with the body.

Are you struggling with physical or emotional pain or dysregulation? Sleep problems, gut issues, feeling shut down or overwhelmed? Have you received a diagnosis, but still feel like you don’t have the whole picture?

If you’re new here, warm welcome! Maybe you have heard about somatic work online. Maybe you simply started to suspect that your body holds answers that your mind has not been able to locate.

Your body is a sophisticated and deeply interconnected system that needs to be heard, understood, and supported. It is not something to be controlled, punished, or forced into a particular way of being.

Rather than trying to resolve your symptoms by simply telling the story of what happened to you, Somatic Work uses your story as a path back to the innate wisdom of your body.

Your body has been with you through every experience in your life… and it has its own story to tell! Bodies tell their stories through sensation and movement; breath and sound; expansion and contraction.

In Somatic Work we slow down, so that we can focus on present-moment awareness and bodily sensations. Presence, and your body’s organic intelligence, form the basis of everything that Rooted Bliss has to offer.

Somatic Work helps you come home to yourself.

Soma = Body

Somatic Work is a way to collaborate intelligently with the body.

Are you struggling with physical or emotional pain or dysregulation? Sleep problems, gut issues, feeling shut down or overwhelmed? Have you received a diagnosis, but feel you’re missing part of the picture?

Rather than trying to resolve your symptoms by simply telling the story of what happened to you, Somatic Work uses your story as a path back to the innate wisdom of your body.

Your body has been with you through every experience in your life… and it has its own story to tell! Bodies tell stories through sensation and movement; breath and sound; expansion and contraction.

Somatic Work helps you come home to yourself.

Services Offered:

Why Rooted Bliss?

Rootedness: A sense of safety, connection and grounding

Bliss: A sense of inner peace, well-being and joy

Somatic Integration: The Full Package

You know that real transformation is possible.

With Somatic Integration Packages, you will benefit from a committed and dedicated healing container, with ongoing customized support.

Struggling with chronic stress and anxiety? Heavy grief, chronic pain, feeling shut-down, or gut and sleep disturbances? Are you having abrupt mood swings, or fatigue and loss of energy?

Do you feel stuck, like you want to move forward but don’t know how?

Have you tried conventional methods – therapy, medication, western medicine, and just feel like you’re still missing something?

Do you suspect your body holds the answers, like it’s been the missing piece you’ve been ignoring all along?

You want a comprehensive, all-inclusive package, completely individualized and adapted for your specific needs.

I’ve broken this process down into the categories below for ease of understanding, but it is not always linear.

My approach can complement the work you are already doing with other practitioners.

Somatic and Nervous System Education

  • We often start here, because most of us never learned how our physiology, the body and nervous system is actually designed to work.
  • A quick and dirty deep-dive into polyvagal theory and the anatomy of the nervous system can help you understand what’s happening under the surface when you experience various states. This knowledge is highly practical.
  • Understanding how your nervous system functions and interacts with other body systems, is essential for healthy management of your experience.

Healthy Emotional Management

  • For many of us, emotions are confounding. Perhaps no one taught you how to be with your emotions as a child, or worse, punished you for having them. Now, either your emotions feel totally inaccessible much of the time, or you are completely overwhelmed by them. Perhaps you would rather not have to feel them at all, but they rise to the surface unexpectedly and in non-adaptive ways. Or maybe you’re great at intellectualizing your emotions, but have been numbing them or pushing them away rather than simply feeling them.
  • I can help you develop skillfulness around your emotions, using Somatic Experiencing, Compassionate Inquiry and Parts Work / Inner Child work to help you meet, feel, and release your emotions in healthy and effective ways.

Getting in Touch with Your Body

  • Your body is the hidden, ancient doorway to transformation!
  • Learn to mindfully “come to your senses” and pay attention with curiosity and non-judgment, opening the door to new depths of healing.
  • Want to become more embodied? I teach people how to slow down, track their sensations in the moment, and use simple practices that allow the magic of somatic transformation to take place.
  • This work includes Somatic Experiencing and Compassionate Inquiry.
  • I’ll guide awareness practices tailored for you, and even send you home with personalized recordings if you would like to repeat the practices on your own.

The Safe and Sound Protocol

  • The Safe and Sound Protocol helps quickly achieve new levels of regulation and emotional coherence. It is a gentle, music-based brain training to tone the Vagus Nerve; developed by Stephen Porges, PhD and backed by decades of clinical research.
  • SSP is especially helpful for those with complex, early trauma who perhaps have never experienced a felt sense of safety.
  • Not every client needs to go through the SSP at all; other clients start with SSP before doing any other interventions. I have been using the SSP since 2021 and have refined and developed the process to be completely customizable; too much can be counter-productive, too little can be ineffective.
  • The SSP Core can be administered while relaxing in a supported posture, while doing art therapy, while receiving gentle touch, or at home between sessions.

Optional: Āyurvedic Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Did you know that simple adjustments to when and how you eat (not just what) can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional functioning? Did you know there are ancient practices you may have never heard of, but which deeply nourish your body and mind?
  • I’ve mastered the basics of Āyurveda, a complex system of holistic healthcare from India.
  • I can offer you a distilled understanding of imbalances in your body, and various simple strategies (with no side effects!) to help you achieve your highest well-being.

Your Unique Blueprint

  • I use Vedic Astrology (Jyotiṣha) Hand Analysis (Hasta Samūdrika) and modern Handwriting Analysis (Graphoanalysis) to help us understand the deep hidden undercurrents which have influenced your life’s path. Knowing your birth time is necessary for chart analysis; hand & handwriting analysis can be done regardless.

  • These incredible tools can illuminate what is hidden — revealing unseen emotional and mental patterns, childhood and ancestral wounds, as well as your personal best qualities and inner strengths to lean into as you heal.
  • This understanding is a remedy in itself, without which it can be impossible to make informed and wise choices. We can discuss your coping strategies and adaptations, opportunities for further maturity, and your unique sacred timing.
  • What we learn about your blueprint can also guide us into the best modalities to serve you as you grow.

Optional: Spiritual Guidance and Support

  • The component of the spiritual journey is often distinctly missing in other therapeutic modalities, but can be deeply enriching when woven in with somatic work and other facets of the healing path.

  • I have spent the last 10+ years deeply rooting in the spiritual heritage of India, which is highly inclusive of all faith backgrounds, uniquely adaptable/practical, and actually encourages doubt, inquiry and questioning — the antidote to spiritual or religious abuse or misuse.
  • This knowledge is what all beings seek: freedom from all sense of limitation; absolute wholeness and connection. It is also what I teach in-depth in my group workshops.
  • If desired, we can also incorporate elements of Vedic ritual and ceremony into Somatic Integration sessions at your request. This can be a deeply nourishing and supportive practice.

Growth, Maintenance, and Expansion

  • Once you start to feel better and your healing process stabilizes, this is when we shift into maintenance, growth and expansion. Maintenance means keeping the gains you’ve made.

  • At this stage, ongoing monthly or bi-monthly sessions can be supportive so that you continue to use and refine the skills you’ve learned.
  • Post-traumatic growth and thriving also becomes possible!
  • I’ll coach a visioning and expansion process — so that you finally start to live the life you’ve dreamed of, now that your nervous system has the capacity to pursue it!

An Integrative Process

I am not here to fix you, as I believe there’s nothing inherently wrong with you. Instead, together we create a supportive and safe context for healing, so that your body and mind are supported.

Your body already knows how to heal. When the right support and context of safety is felt, an organic, spontaneous movement toward healing can happen. That’s where the magic is! You will naturally move out of surviving and into thriving.

Somatic work does not require the re-telling or re-living of traumatic events. We can’t change what happened, but we can digest the leftover somatic imprints in your body so that they no longer wreak havoc on your health, relationships, and life.

Traditional psychotherapy can take years, but somatic therapy is effective in a short amount of time.

The body can hold unconscious memories and patterns that are not released through traditional talk therapy.

Addressing body sensations and patterns creates relief from suffering on a deep level.”

-Michelle Pate, California Somatic Institute

Kate Hartman, C-IAYT, SEP

I am passionate about this work – it is my calling and purpose. Healing is a human right, and not only recovery, but resilience, is possible. How do I know? I’ve been there myself… Read my story!

I have a deep interest in multiple healing modalities and consider myself a forever-student. See the (ever-growing) list of my trainings and certifications here. I offer in-person work in Evansville, Indiana and distance work via Zoom.

If what I offer isn’t right for you, I will be happy to refer you to a variety of other practitioners so that you can find the healing you deserve.

Every session starts from the viewpoint that you are already whole and complete. Your symptoms, rather than being pathological, contain the seeds of your transformation.