Spiritual Guidance

The spiritual dimension lives within all of us, waiting to come alive.
Personally, the longer I continue on my own journey, the more I see that spirituality and healing are not separate.
We can’t fully heal without integrating the spiritual dimension; yet, this aspect is rarely included in mental health treatment.
Conversely, we can’t grow spiritually if we’re not tending to our heart, our wounded inner child, and all the traumas which must be addressed.
Spiritual guidance must be handled delicately, with precision and care.
Because of the potential for harm and abuse, it’s extremely important to honor the client where they are, and allow their curiosity to lead the way.

The Vision of Wholeness
I have been fortunate to take my place in a sacred living wisdom tradition, which offers highly practical spiritual knowledge — Advaita Vedānta, or the vision of oneness.
The truth is: You are, I am, We are, The One consciousness appearing as many, in endless infinite variety.
You are not separate from me, or from anyone or anything.
You are whole and complete as you are, missing nothing, and ultimately worthy and loveable as you are because you are love.
Love is your very nature.
Peace is your very nature.
Happiness is your very nature.
This teaching goes so deep – it strikes at the core of our heart.
This wisdom actually does not belong to just one tradition or one lineage or one religious or spiritual tradition; it is simply the truth.
It is not about a particular book, or a particular set of words, or even a particular person, though all of those can be included.
The truth of our being, the nature of consciousness, is ever-accessible by anyone curious enough to take the leap. The great saints of the world, both living and dead, were awake to that truth – and they have had the courage to live it out.

Empowering & Practical
If we have the courage and commitment to understand it, this vision has the power to reduce all our illusions to ashes.
It has the power to fully relieve our suffering, to free us from the fear of death, and to create in our hearts such a deep expansiveness and humility that we have nothing left to do but bow in reverence and service to the Whole.
Much of what we could call “New Age” Spirituality, offers a version of this wisdom, but doesn’t really tell you how to get there.
It also doesn’t address how to go about your daily life, conduct your business, make money, parent your children, and have relationships, as a spiritual person.
I’m in love with the Vedic tradition because it’s also so deeply practical. The esoteric knowledge, and the practicalities of daily life are like two wings of a bird — without both. we cannot fly.
Time and time again, this tradition has served as a life raft when I was drowning in an ocean of my own pain.
Despite the many, many distortions and misunderstandings that are out there, my teachers have passed on the jewel of wisdom that enlightens, enlivens, and empowers.

Not About Belief
The Vedic Tradition is also highly adaptable, and applicable for anyone regardless of faith background.
In other words, you can benefit from these teachings regardless if you have a background in eastern thought, Judeo-Christian religion, or even if you’re an atheist.
Whether you aren’t sure what you belive, or if you believe in Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Quan Yin, or simply in the Universe and Mother Nature, all beliefs and faith traditions are welcome.
The Veda refuses to dictate or tell us who or what to believe in, as that choice is deeply personal.
In the pursuit of truth, doubt, questioning, and inquiry are encouraged. This can be the healing antidote for those who are recovering from spiritual or religious abuse, cults, or high-control religions.
I am not here to convince you of anything. I’m here to share what’s alive in the moment, and to help you conduct your own inquiry to the depths of your heart. You’ll arrive at your own conclusions from there.
Spiritual guidance is part of the Cosmic Womb Holistic Healing Package.