Spinal Release Yoga

Spinal Release Yoga is a practice of deep rest…

…With benefits for your whole body and mind.

Deeply heal unconscious patterns of tension.

From the viewpoint of the tradition, the true purpose of Yoga is to settle your mind.

The strenuous poses were actually developed to help teenagers and children learn discipline and focus their minds, because their bodies are naturally more active.

From the perspective of the tradition, active/strenuous practices are not appropriate for most people, and can actually be detrimental. Especially as we age, yoga practice should contain increasing stillness.

Yoga is not calisthenics.

Yoga is a deep revelation that happens in the space of stillness.

Some of us have a hard time slowing down. A guided practice can help with that. Sometimes we might even find that our body has “forgotten” how to deeply relax!

Re-learning and regularly practicing this vital skill enables your body’s natural healing process. Deep rest supports rejuvenation, inspiration, and creativity. It’s truly the best-kept wellness secret!

Positional release brings incremental change over time.

Non-athletic practices are appropriate for beginners and advanced students.

Student Reviews

“Kate blew me away with her command of the nervous system, positional release techniques, and opened my eyes to the full world of somatic yoga. The meditative approach has become so important to me.” ~Joe

“I look forward to this yoga every week. It helps me wind down and has given me techniques that relieve stress. Kate has such a calmness in the way she instructs… I have fallen asleep at times!” ~Tracy

Gently de-compress
your pelvis and spine…

…Without stretching, straining or forcing!

Currently, group classes are not being offered until further notice. Spinal Release Yoga is available via one-on-one instruction in individual sessions only. This way, it is completely customizable to your individual needs!

The yoga style that I offer is gentle, restful, rejuvenating, and helps release deep layers of long-held tension in the pelvis and spine.

It does not involve stretching, straining, strengthening, or striving.

The immediate result is less anxiety, less physical pain, less emotional reactivity, and lower mental stress. Yoga’s promise is that with repetition, this can eventually become our natural state.

Yoga is not a competition, a performance, or an athletic exercise. Life is difficult enough, and we are constantly under inner and outer pressure to strive and strain more. Yoga, when practiced in alignment with its true purpose, allows instead for a deep letting go, which leads to a feeling of profound tranquility.

"True Yoga is not about acrobatics, choreography, or outward appearances. It is a personal, inward journey of revelation and realization."

-Kaya Mindlin

Spinal Release Yoga is based on the teachings of Kaya Mindlin.

My Teachers in Yoga & the Vedic Tradition

I have many more that I consider my teachers, but these three in particular have been larger-than-life for me. They have directly impacted my growth and understanding in a deeply personal way, and this in turn has touched my students and clients in ways that never could have been possible without these sacred teachings.

I am infinitely grateful for each of their continued guidance and presence on my path, and to have had the massive privilege and opportunity to develop long-term, direct relationships with each of them. A deep bow in gratitude to the paramparā, the unbroken lineage of teacher and student relationships, may it continue. Om srī gurubhyo namaḥ.

The Teachers of My Teachers (My Lineage)

These are teachers with whom I have not studied directly, but who nonetheless have created a deep and lasting impression on me through the unbroken lineage I am blessed to be initiated into. There are many more, but these three have been most impactful and are perhaps the most well-known also. Deep bow in gratitude – Om srī gurubhyo namaḥ to ALL the teachers of my teachers.