Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Readings are a combination of Jyotiṣha (Vedic Astrology and Astronomy), Hasta Samūdrika (Vedic Palmistry and Hand Analysis) and modern Graphoanalysis (Handwriting Analysis). Sometimes, Tarot or Oracle Cards are also incorporated.

Intuitive readings are available online or locally in person.

When you are facing a transition or life change, a loss of some kind, a shift in your career, or wanting help with your relationship, an intuitive reading is an invaluable tool for gaining clarity.

Understand Your Unique Blueprint

  • Illuminate what is hidden — revealing unseen emotional and mental patterns, your personal best qualities and inner strengths to lean into, as well as childhood and ancestral wounds.
  • Understanding is a remedy in itself, without which it can be impossible to make informed and wise choices.
  • We can discuss your coping strategies and adaptations, opportunities for further maturity, and your unique sacred timing.
  • For Cosmic Womb clients, what we learn about your blueprint can also guide us into the best modalities to serve you as you grow.

Intuitive Readings go beyond logic into the world of synchronicity, coincidence, and alignment. They challenge us to stretch our minds, to connect seemingly unconnected events, and to think laterally.

Speaking personally, these vidyas (knowledge traditions) have been invaluable in my life. I am constantly amazed and in awe at the incredible detail with which our lives are guided by unseen forces.

Intuitive Readings are included in the Cosmic Womb Holistic Healing Packages, giving you laser-focused guidance and clarity for your life’s path.

Intuitive Readings can also be booked as a single session, with no phone consultation required – simply use the button below to book your reading!

Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology)

Picture this….


You are planning a journey to a new place. You choose your destination and pack your things. Everything is ready, except… what? A vital step before embarking is to consult a map and a weather report.

The map will tell you the lay of the land – whether your journey will be long or short, whether you have to cross mountains and oceans or if it’s just down the street.

The weather report is also vital. You don’t want to be caught unawares in a severe storm, which could make a journey of even a few miles impossible! While if the weather is clear and sunny, even an overseas journey will lack turbulence.

Jyotiṣha, or Vedic Astrology, is the map and the weather report for your life. It differs significantly from Western Astrology, primarily in that we use the sidereal zodiac, which is more accurate astronomically.

Whether the stars and planets are directly influencing us is beside the point. Their patterns are influenced by the same subtle, unseen forces as everything else, and skillfully reading these patterns is one way to “read” those subtle unseen forces — the same way that reading the cloud patterns on radar can help predict the weather.

Beyond prediction, Jyotish helps us understand our past, and the hidden influences which have shaped us into who we are.

Origins of Vedic Astrology

Jyotiṣha is an ancient wisdom tradition that has been passed down in an unbroken lineage from teacher to student for thousands of years.

Before modern technology, the stars, planets, and night sky were the primary way our ancestors navigated the earth.

5,000+ years ago in India, a practice also developed of using the stars to determine auspicious timing for rituals and important events ~ such as seasonal and religious ceremonies, marriages, the birthing of children, & the inauguration of kings.

The ancients mapped the skies in great detail, without telescopes. These observations were used to predict, and to align with, the cosmic “weather patterns”.

This knowledge has been protected, and passed down in private lineages from teacher to student, since beginningless time.

I am fortunate to be a student in one such lineage. I have been studying Jyotisha in an in-depth, intensive program with my teachers since 2022.

Correct birth time (preferably down to the minute) is required for a complete jyotish reading.

Auspicious Timing

Jyotisha can also be used to set a muhūrta (meaning “hour”) for significant life events such as starting a business, signing a contract, moving, getting married, hosting a gathering, starting a course, etc.

It’s wise to align with the cosmic patterns for our earthly endeavors, just as you want to check the weather before traveling.

Having a Vedic Astrologer help you determine the most aligned timing, can help you ensure that the desired results are achieved.

Relationship Compatibility

And finally, Jyotisha can be invaluable in understanding the patterns, challenges and opportunities between you and another person.

Compatibility readings can take place for romantic partners, family members, friends, or business partners.

In Jyotish, there is no such thing as incompatibility (except in cases of abuse) — rather, we focus on uncovering and understanding the relationship’s strengths and weaknesses so both parties can proceed with greater intention, awareness, and acceptance of the other person.

Hasta Samudrika

Hasta Samūdrika, known as Hasta for short, is the ancient wisdom of connecting the body and mind through the palm.

Hasta is a sister science to Jyotish, and what’s in the hand often correlates to what is in the birth chart.

We look not just at the palm and its lines, but also at the structure of the hand overall, the fingers and fingerprints, skin texture and nail structure, and hand flexibility.

For a Hasta reading, I will meet with you before the reading to examine your hand and take a detailed print of both hands (prints are kept confidential, and I’ll give you a copy if desired), then meet with you a week or two later to discuss my findings.

For remote readings, I’ll give you detailed instructions how to send me photos of your hands.

Handwriting Analysis

Graphoanalysis, or handwriting analysis, was developed by M.N. Bunker in the 20th century. He was trying to improve his own shorthand, and puzzled over the fact that it seemed impossible to change the way his hands naturally produced the pen’s strokes.

I studied in a 1.5-year mentorship and certification program through IGAS, the International Graphoanalysis Society.

Graphoanalysis is different from Graphology in that it looks not just at specific letters but also at the angles and shapes of the individual pen strokes. It is more detailed and precise.

Also taken into consideration is letter, line, and margin spacing, preferred pen weight, size of the writing, and comparison of script, print, and signature.

A handwriting sample will be collected at the same time that I get your handprint (instructions will be sent if collecting remotely).

My Teachers in Yoga & the Vedic Tradition

The Teachers of My Teachers (My Lineage)