Somatic Spinal Release Yoga

Somatic Yoga is yoga that focuses your attention inward to subtle sensations in your body while you practice. Movements are slow and gentle to allow this inward focus.

You are invited to feel and explore how your body wants to move, which allows your body to release stored tension patterns and stuck energy naturally.

Somatic Yoga can also include gentle assisted postures and stretching.

Spinal Release Yoga (SRY) is restful, slow, and deep. Props are used to support your body in specific angles, then you are guided to relax. This allows the deepest internal muscles, including your fight-or-flight muscles in the core of the body, to start to un-grip.

SRY is a powerful yet subtle intervention that over time, can create profound change in the spine and pelvis.

Somatic Spinal Release Yoga Sessions are available as part of Holistic Healing Packages, or as single sessions booked individually.

No phone consultation is required to book a single session. Simply use the button below and select a time that works for you.

From the viewpoint of the tradition, the true purpose of Yoga techniques is very specific and one-pointed: to settle your mind in order to prepare for deeper meditative revelations.

Yoga is a deeply spiritual and integrative practice, which the mainstream has taken and turned into an athletic pursuit. This can make it feel inaccessible to ordinary people, who can’t already stretch like an acrobat.

However, the more strenuous poses were originally developed to help teenagers and children learn discipline and focus their minds, because their bodies are naturally more active.

Strenuous yoga practices are not appropriate for most people, and can actually be detrimental.

Especially as we age, yoga practice should contain increasing stillness. This stillness of body and mind creates a space for meditation to take place, as well as more absorbed states of unitive consciousness.

A practice of deep rest

Some of us have a hard time slowing down. A guided practice can help with that. Sometimes we might even find that our body has “forgotten” how to deeply relax!

Re-learning and regularly practicing this vital skill enables your body’s natural healing process.

Deep rest supports rejuvenation, inspiration, and creativity. When your body is truly calm, your mind will also become calm. You will then discover your true center.

Rest is the best-kept wellness secret!

Positional release brings relaxation to deeply held tension

Student Reviews

“Kate blew me away with her command of the nervous system, positional release techniques, and opened my eyes to the full world of somatic yoga. The meditative approach has become so important to me.” ~Joe

“I look forward to this yoga every week. It helps me wind down and has given me techniques that relieve stress. Kate has such a calmness in the way she instructs… I have fallen asleep at times!” ~Tracy

Gently de-compress
your pelvis and spine

The yoga styles that I offer are gentle, restful, rejuvenating, and can release deep layers of long-held tension.

There is no straining, strengthening, or striving.

The immediate result is less anxiety, less physical pain, less emotional reactivity, and lower mental stress. Yoga’s promise is that with repetition, this can eventually become our natural state.

Yoga is not a competition, a performance, or an athletic exercise. Life is difficult enough, and we are constantly under inner and outer pressure to strive and strain more.

Yoga, when practiced in alignment with its true purpose, allows instead for a deep letting go, which leads to a feeling of profound tranquility.

True Yoga is not about acrobatics or choreography. It is a personal, inward journey of revelation.

Spinal Release Yoga is based on the teachings of Kaya Mindlin.