Come enjoy a sacred Vedic story called The Churning of the Ocean. This story comes from the Purāṇas or wisdom stories (literally, “that which is always new”).

This story is universal, meaning it can resonate with all people at all times.

If you’ve been feeling…

  • dread about the seeming insurmountable challenges facing us collectively
  • discouraged about meeting your personal goals when old patterns seem to resurface again and again
  • spiritually disconnected or searching

…this story can instill a sense of hope, courage, and strength. Sign up here

The Devas and the Asuras

The story begins with a war between two opposing forces:

the Devas

those who have the good of all in mind, and support the Cosmic Order through harmonious actions

and the Asuras

those who are driven to achieve selfish pursuits of power and wealth, while causing harm to others

The Devas seek the help of Vishnu, the Sustaining One, to save them as the Asuras have taken over everything.

Vishnu advises them: “Go now and make peace with your enemies, for it happens that this is a time that favors them. You cannot defeat them in battle and must wait until fortune turns your way again.”

He then explains that they must cooperate with the Asuras toward a common goal, which neither can achieve alone: to churn the milky ocean and produce the nectar of immortality. Only with this nectar in hand, can the forces of good once again overcome evil.

The story proceeds from there with many twists and turns (no spoilers)!

There are many multi-layered meanings of this story, as it is allegorical and metaphorical, and can be interpreted so many different ways. I will give some of the meanings that have been passed on to me, as well as some that have been revealed through contemplation.

Introducing: Guest Teachers

I’ve always wanted the Full Moon Ceremony to be a collaborative project, so each month I’m inviting other local wisdom-carriers to share their gifts.

Austin Trumpower, the guest teacher this month, will lead a heart-opening embodiment & meditation exercise. Austin is a sound healer and breath work facilitator, and offers HeartMath coherence techniques.

The Heart Gardening technique helps us access our own inner peace and wholesomeness. By going within we can tend to the garden of our being and make it a Sanctuary of beauty and harmony that transforms our lives deeply. Reach a deeper connection with yourself and as a result, cultivate deep and lasting well-being from the inside out.

What to Expect

After introductions and intention setting, Austin will share some gentle breathwork, heart coherence, and the Heart Gardening meditation journey.

Then, we’ll share in the storytelling and some of the meanings of the story will be given. Questions are welcome.

After that, we’ll share a ritual together – sacred pūjā, honoring the 5 elements of the manifestation and all that is unseen.

We’ll end with a sharing circle.

Sign up here

Where and When

Date and Time: Sunday, February 9th from 6pm until approximately 8:30pm. (end time is flexible, if people need to go early they can)

Location has been changed to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Evansville, on Morgan Avenue. The most common complaint in previous months was that there were not enough chairs, so this solves that issue!

Sign-up here or by texting Kate at 812-213-0126.

Suggested donation is $40, but any amount from $1 to $100 is accepted!